The Legacy of Viscount Organs

Marcello Galanti founder of Viscount International

Marcello Galanti founder of Viscount International

Mondaino 1917- First Factory Galanti Bros.

Mondaino 1917: First Factory Galanti Bros

Galanti Bros

Galanti Bros

The history of Viscount Organs is a testament to both heritage and innovation. It began in 19th century Italy with the Galanti family, whose passion for music found expression in the creation of high-quality instruments. This dedication continued for generations, with Antonio being succeeded by his sons Egidio and Marcello.

In 1959, Marcello established Viscount International, further solidifying the family’s commitment to musical excellence. The arrival of digital technology in the 1980s ushered in a new era, allowing Viscount to expand its offerings beyond traditional instruments to include keyboards, pianos, and even digital organs.

Following Marcello’s passing, the reins of the company passed to his children, Mauro and Loriana. As the 21st century dawned, the global market became increasingly competitive. Undeterred, Viscount embraced innovation, developing the revolutionary Physis+ technology. This unique sound generation system, based on physical modeling, offered musicians unparalleled performance advantages, setting Viscount apart from the competition.

Through their unwavering dedication to quality and their forward-thinking approach, Viscount Organs have not only weathered the test of time, but also carved a unique path in the world of musical instruments, solidifying their reputation as a leading innovator in the field.

In 1959, Marcello Galanti founded Viscount International. In the 1980’s, electronic musical instruments were completely re-born thanks to the advent of digital technology. This would create a new evolution of quality and performance which would include keyboards, pianos, and even classical digital organs.

Upon Marcello’s passing in 1999, his son Mauro and daughter, Loriana, took over the Viscount Organs business.

With the beginning of the 21st century and heightened global competition, Viscount Organs faced a new challenge. They responded with a revolutionary technology called Physis+. Physis is an innovative sound-generated technology based on physical modeling – offering electronic musical instruments with exclusive performance advantages that no other company can offer.

Viscount Organs have proven their quality through their longevity and their innovation.

Our Values

The future of music is our mission, based on clear and simple values, that guide us in our activity.


To live in Italy means being surrounded by beauty, from artistic masterpieces, to architecture, to rich musical traditions. We always seek to include this beauty in our organs.


In the production and realization of our instruments, we always pay the highest attention to every detail. To own a Viscount organ is to have in your hands an object of prestige which will last through time.


Viscount makes use of the most advanced technologies in software, hardware and mechanics – developed and expertly adapted specifically for the musical instrument market. Our inventions, covered by numerous patents, help us craft organs with great impact and exclusive performance.


Music isn’t just the core of our business, but something which elevates our minds and our bodies. We put our passion into our organs, adding this faithful attribute to your most intimate moments or performances.

Our Facilities

Viscount Organ - Facilities

Viscount proudly maintains its organ factories and woodworking labs in the charming Italian town of Mondaino. Far from the anonymity of industrial parks, Mondaino fosters a meticulous environment where skilled artisans meticulously craft each instrument. Here, traditional craftsmanship merges seamlessly with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring precise tools and techniques are employed.

Moreover, Viscount prioritizes environmental responsibility. Our factories adhere to strict environmental standards, minimizing our footprint and ensuring responsible production practices. Additionally, we cultivate a secure and pleasant working environment, valuing the well-being of our employees.

By choosing the town of Mondaino, Viscount embraces a unique blend of tradition, innovation, and environmental consciousness. This dedication to both quality and responsible practices shine through in every instrument we create.


Viscount International SpA represents a unique example as a European engineering and production center, not just for its technological advancements, but also for the enduring values and goals of the Galanti family and its employees. For over a century, shared passion has driven us to create unmatched quality organs.

The keys to our challenge:

  • Steady development of DSP algorithms
  • Technological innovation
  • Integration of proprietary and open-source solution
  • Independent working groups that care for the musician’s need
  • Our future


Viscount’s expertise in DSP (Digital Signal Processing) field goes far beyond the basic knowledge. We’ve spent decades developing innovative tools and solutions alongside leading universities, ensuring scientific progress is guided by both knowledge and wisdom. Our advanced DSP algorithms power everything from realistic piano rendering to accurate reverb and delay effects, from tone wheel organ emulation to spatialization effects, efficient phase-linear digital filtering to fast and precise on-stage anti-feedback techniques. These create exceptional sound experiences in products like our VERSE speakers and renowned organs. All these algorithms serve a wide selection from the latest Pro Audio VERSE speakers to the ever-acclaimed classic organs.


While others rely on proven but limited technology, we embrace innovation and pioneering techniques that later become industry standards. From the Galanti accordions to the latest physical modeling, we’ve consistently pushed boundaries with groundbreaking musical instruments and solutions.


Previously, companies relied solely on their internal teams for instrument design. Today, the landscape has shifted. Universities and companies are joining forces, blurring the lines between public and private sectors to create a wider range of options. We, at Viscount Organs actively engage with open-source collaborations, not only adopting existing solutions, but also contributing to own advancements to the collective good.


In the ancient times, Rome was governed by two independent consuls to ensure fair rule and mutual control. Our production, development and working groups are independent – so they can follow different paths – but at the same time responsible of one another work, in order to ensure the best from everyone of our employees. Our personnel is motivated and work in a friendly environment, and everyone knows each other as in a big family.


A musical instrument shouldn’t be crafted to boast exaggerate technological innovations. A musical instruments is mainly meant to be played. We care for our customers’ need, and our musicians are always in contact with musicians and technicians. Their task is to strike a perfect balance between the real needs of a musician and the best technology to fit them. Furthermore, ergonomics and care for woodwork and touch are taken into high account to provide instruments to satisfy every player and make him rejoice in his everyday occupation: music.


Future is unknown to all of us, but we have a dream we pursue since a century, and we strive to reach our goals daily and steadily. Our company does not yield profit but instruments. Our values guide us in this daily challenge to realize the best instruments for the musicians of today and tomorrow.

The Art of Sound

Ready to experience the future of organ music? Explore our latest digital organs!

Improve your music with a versatile digital organ that perfectly complements your music style.