Why Should Pianists Learn the Organ?

Why Should Pianists Learn the Organ?

If you are a musician, specifically a pianist, it’s likely that you have already developed a lifelong love of music and performance. Many musicians, especially those who are looking to expand their musical talents to another instrument, look to challenge themselves and grow. In fact, we have found that versatility in instruments can make stronger […]

Headphones Do’s and Don’ts for Digital Organ Playing

Headphones Do’s And Don’ts For Digital Organ Playing

Every digital organ that I have listened to over headphones (of any brand/quality) has sounded drastically different through headphones than through speakers into the room.  This has been my experience with Viscount, Allen, Rodgers, and Walker.  The difference is always significant and surprising.  Organ pipes were never meant to be inserted into the ear and […]

Hymn History & Structure

Hymn History & Structure

History The word hymn originates from the Greek word for “a song of praise” and those who write hymns are know as hymnodists. Though there are many hymns from other cultures that have been written, such as those from ancient Egypt and the Jewish tradition, the hymns we will focus on today are those of […]

The Different Types of Organs

The Different Types of Organs

Pump Organ Pump organs are one of the most portable early organs and were incredibly popular during the 19th century in small churches and homes. Sound is produced when air moves past a thin piece of metal, called a reed, which vibrates and creates sound. The organ player must continuously use foot pedals to pump […]

Caring For Your Digital Organ

Caring For Your Digital Organ

Have you just purchased your first organ or have you had your church organ for a while and are thinking that your instrument may need maintenance? Regardless, where you fall on the spectrum, it’s important that you consider the maintenance that your organ may need, because your instrument will only last and sound as good […]

Reasons to Play the Organ

Reasons To Play The Organ

Have you ever considered playing the organ? Why haven’t you? What’s holding you back? Have you always thought of the organ as a “churchy” instrument? Regardless of what your opinion of the organ is, we at Viscount, highly suggest you learn more about this amazing instrument and how to play it! But, why learn to […]

Viscount Organs: Tradition, Passion, and Technology Combined

Tradition, Passion, And Technology Combined

Church organs are unique instruments. Not only are they centuries old – or, if their origin instruments are considered, millennia old – but they also have endured through western culture ever since their introduction. Organs were and still are central to many churches’ worship services and found their way into secular culture and music, as […]

Church Organ Shoes Basics

organ shoes

The church organ is a unique instrument in many ways due to its design, its history, and its sound. But there is yet another reason why it is a unique instrument: It requires special shoes to place it well. Organ shoes are specially designed to help the church organ player play the pedal keyboard well, […]

The Church Organ in Silent Film

The Church Organ In Silent Film

The church organ is an instrument that has been around for ages, making it one of the oldest instruments still played. The first variation of the organ occurred in Greece in the 3rd century BC as the hydraulis. The organ continued on through the ages with the Persian empire as the urghun and into the […]

The Church Organ: A History

The Church Organ: A History

The church organ is one of the oldest instruments still played by modern musicians. The first organ recorded was in Greece in the 3rd century: The word “organ” originates from the Greek word organon meaning “instrument” or “tool.” Ctesibius of Alexandria invented the organ, then called a hydraulis, which was operated through water pressure that […]