Famous Organists: Dieterich Buxtehude

Dieterich Buxtehude

Welcome back to the Viscount Organs blog series where we look into the lives and legacies of amazing pipe organists who have influenced the culture of pipe organ music. Today, we’ll be travelling back to the amazing Baroque period to take a look at the life of organist, Dieterich Buxtehude.  The Mysterious Life And Times […]

Famous Organists: Jeanne Demessieux

Jeanne Demessieux

Viscount Organs is happy to bring you another installation of our Famous Organists Blog Series, this time examining an amazing organist, Jeanne Demessieux.  At Viscount Organs, we’re extremely passionate about paying homage to organists who have greatly impacted the world of organ music and to keeping those artists’ legacies alive.  A Pianist Turns Organist Jeanne […]

Famous Organists: Jehan Alain

Jehan Alain

Jehan Alain is the focus of this Famous Organists blog. Although his life wasn’t long, he achieved many a musical accomplishment, and died a heroic death in World War II. Keep reading to learn more! A Family of Organists Born into the Alain family on February 11, 1911, Jehan Alain was the son of the […]

Famous Organists: Pierre Cochereau

Pierre Cochereau

Today’s Famous Organists blog will be focusing on the incredible Pierre Cochereau, an established concert organist and titulaire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France.  An Unconventional Beginning Unlike most of the organists we’ve examined thus far in the Famous Organists blog series, Pierre Cochereau wasn’t immediately sent to a conservatory to hone his […]

Famous Organists: Marie-Claire Alain

Marie-Claire Alain

In the next installment of our Famous Organists blog series, we will be taking a look at the incredible Marie-Claire Alain. A Family of Organists On August 10, 1926, Marie-Claire Alain was born near Paris, France, into a prodigious family of organists and musicians. Her father, Albert Alain, composed for the organ, built organs, and […]

Famous Organists: Ethel Smith

Ethel Smith

For over 100 years, Viscount Organs has been producing organs of unparalleled quality. In that time, countless musicians have sat behind the pedals and keys of our organs and played everything from timid first notes to entire concertos. We’re glad that we’ve been a part of the music community for so long, and we’re always […]

Famous Organists: Marcel Dupré

Marcel Dupré | Viscount Organs

Viscount Organs has been around for a while, over a century in fact. During that time, we’ve seen countless players perform masterpieces on our fine organs. We believe that even a novice player is an accomplished musician, as playing the organ is an impressive feat in-and-of-itself. But throughout the long and storied history of the […]

The Longest Organ Piece Ever Performed

The Longest Organ Piece Ever Performed

Without a doubt, Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” is probably the most famous organ piece ever written. It’s used in TV, movies, and more. But many people have only heard the iconic opening lines of the song. Few realize that the piece is nearly nine minutes long. Organ pieces and organ concertos can […]

The 4 Most Impressive Organs in the World

The 4 Most Impressive Organs In The World

When it comes to organs, most people think about the giant instruments installed in grand cathedrals. With that being said, we do want to discuss a few of those! However, not all fantastic and interesting organs were installed in a church. Organs are renowned for their large size and their demanding requirements when it comes […]

Top Tips to Sight Reading Music

Top Tips To Sight Reading Music

When it comes to sight reading music, some musicians love the challenge and could work on it all day. For others, they dread hearing those words. Those of you who are terrified by sight reading music, we are here to help! Here are some of the top tips from Viscount Organs to keep in mind […]